sabato 19 luglio 2008

La Pelle époque en 1983

When I was in my early teens
My friend Sebastian and I
Bought identical pairs of jeans
Started to stroll around the city late at night
1983, 1983

Basically we just walked around
In search for our new personalities
Coloured in a mystic town
Checked out the condom vending machine
1983, 1983

On a rainy day my dad took me aside
and said: Be careful when you’re out late a night
You know a group of older guys
May approach you and act nice
Then they might ask for a for a cigarette
And now it sounds more like a threat
And when you tell them you don’t smoke
They might punch you on your nose

1983, 1983
Kiwi, Soda Stream
Cosby on TV

The very same night we passed by Pizzeria Durango
When a group of kickers came up to us
One of the guys went: Eye! Got a fag, mate?
I started to shiver inside and thought about what dad had said
I tried not to sound too polite - rather impressed and cool at the same time
I said I’ve just run out, but we’re on our way to BP to buy some more
“So you’ve go dough then?”, said the talkative
“Lend me a fiver, will you!”
I took up my wallet and gave him my last yellow fiver
“Nice one, mate. Nice one!”
The guys took off and Sebastian and I started to walk towards our city villas
He wanted to know why I gave away my last fiver so easily
I tried to explain, but it all sounded weird

1983, 1983
Kiwi soda stream
Cosby on TV
1983, Carola – birds and bees
Scones and British tea

.::mp3::. Pelle Carlberg - 1983 (Pelle & Sebastian)

Qualche tempo fa quando si ascoltò il rough mix di 1983 (Pelle & Sebastian) - il mio pigro orecchio tuttavia non trova differenze rispetto a questa versione pubblicata da Pitchfork - già spuntavano i primi sorrisi. Nella prima canzone di introduzione al prossimo album The Lilac Time, Pelle Carlberg traccia un personale ritratto della prima adolescenza, ma a guardar bene ognuno ci può ritrovare dentro bel un po' della propria: non importa l'anagrafe, la latitudine alla quale si è cresciuti, a tredici anni funziona più o meno così. Una storia talmente semplice e comune da essere speciale. Ricordando i primi blue jeans, i programmi tv, le raccomandazioni dei genitori e le smorfie da duro provate allo specchio prima di buttarsi a scoprire il posto là fuori chiamato strada.

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